Final months of Maxwell Street architectural remnant display at Saint Ignatius College Prep
In April, the Maxwell Street Foundation mounted a display of seven architectural remnants that it collected from Maxwell Street neighborhood buildings between the years 1995 and 2001. The remnants, selected from buildings formerly located at 811-813 W. Roosevelt, 1215-1217 S. Halsted, 723-725 W. Roosevelt, and 1328-1338 S. Halsted, augment the formal presentation of the oil on panel portraits of Dr. Philip Maxwell, for whom Maxwell Street is named, and his wife Jerusha dating to their marriage in 1822. Collaboratively developed with Saint Ignatius College Prep, the display of architectural remnants opened April 26, 2018 and will remain on display through the end of the year inside the school’s Main Entry at 1076 W. Roosevelt Rd. The Maxwell Street Foundation thanks our neighbors and friends at Saint Ignatius who are hosting this display in their beautiful 1869 school building and historic location fronting the Maxwell Street neighborhood, and looks forward to the continued presence of Dr. Philip and Jerusha Maxwell on loan there during the school’s planned sesquicentennial events beginning July 2019 through June 2020.